Terms of Admission – Clinical Psychotherapist
Next study start is in September 2025 – Application deadline is August 18th 2025.
Requirements to become a Gestalt Clinical Psychotherapist:
Relevant basic professional education and/or training: Psychologists, MD’s, psychiatrists, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, special teachers, social workers, psychotherapists, and others with sufficient clinical and theoretical background. Dispensation: For some applicants with sufficient basic education and experience it is possible to qualify for becoming a Clinical Psychotherapist through getting the
supplementary practical clinical experience and theoretical knowledge. The qualification is either done before entering the 1st year of study or before entering the 3rd year of study.
Terms of Admission – Organizational Consultant and Coach
Next study start is in September 2025 – Application deadline is August 18th 2025.
Requirements to become an Organizational Consultant and coach: Professions and people, who through their education, work experience with development of people have gained enough practical and theoretical background, are accepted to the Organizational Consultant Line Training.
Examples: Leaders and Managers, HR consultants, Actors and Instructors of Theatre, other Artists, Teachers, Educators, Media people (TV and radio), Journalists, etc.
Dispensation: It is possible to qualify for becoming an organizational consultant through having or getting enough practical organizational experience and theoretical knowledge. The qualification is either done before entering the 1st year of study or before entering the 3rd year of study.
General requirements
To enter either education you will need to meet these requirements:
1. Undergo Gestalt development in groups or individually corresponding to a minimum of 120 hours (60 minutes).
2. Minimum 26 years of age.
3. Working experience with other people, organizations, or other relevant areas. Applicants to the clinical specialization must have or get sufficient clinical and theoretical experience and knowledge before entering the 2nd part of the Training Program. Applicants working within theatre, music, sculpturing, painting etc. are accepted to the organizational program.
4. Theoretical studies in developmental and clinical psychology is required before entering the 3rd year of training.
5. Personal interview.
6. Personality test and test-review. Agreement is made on areas of development within personal development, theory, clinical experience according to background.
Apply for admission to GIS here
See the Practical Steps in Applying and Apply Online here.
Step 1: You apply by filling out the GIS application form. You will find the form on our website or you will get it by phoning our GIS office.
Step 2: You have a dialogue by phone with the GIS office to clarify who of the study counsellors from the Training Board you are to meet for interview and test feedback.
Step 3: The GIS office sends you an invoice on test, interview and test feedback and a deposit. In case of you not being accepted to the training program your deposit will be returned.
Step 4: We send you a personality test. You fill in the test (1 hour) and return it to the GIS office.
Step 5: The independent test psychologist corrects and returns the test.
Step 6: You meet the senior GIS leader and counsellor in person or on Skype for an interview and a test feedback. In this interview, you and the GIS representative will discuss the premises, possibilities and specific requirements and dispensations for entering the training program.
Step 7: The GIS Training Board and administration confirms you as a student.
Step 8: As a private student you make a motivated application for the possible GIS grant and reduction of the training fee.
Step 9: You receive a contract and you choose whether to pay upfront or in three instalments.
Step 10: The GIS office sends you the bill on the remaining training fee for the year.
Apply for admission to GIS here.
The first step is to fill out this form