Psychotherapist and Organizational Consultant – Introduction

The GIS-International 4-year program for becoming a Clinical Gestalt Psychotherapist is a very thorough personal and professional journey. You will encounter modern and well-founded theories that always are mirrored in actual practice. Never theory without practice. And you will bring yourself into play in your practice.  It’s in your meeting with the other, that you together can open and change.

How it happens and why – is something you will master when you become a Clinical Gestalt Psychotherapist. You can both help the client and discover yourself personally and professionally. Therefore, working to become a good Gestalt Psychotherapist is very much to work on yourself as a basis, and to practice, study, and integrate the relevant theory. You are in safe, challenging, and competent hands in all situations in the program. You are in close contact with both teachers, leaders and fellow students during the four years of the program.

John Ewans Porting is the founder of GIS. He began the practice of Gestalt in the 60s, and has trained many leaders and therapists. All our leaders are an international team of trainers and therapists from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Australia.

A program in two parts
The program is in two parts. The first part lasts two years and is the same for both the 4-year programs. In entering the second part of the training you choose your line of specialized study. Either as Clinical Gestalt Psychotherapist or an Organizational Consultant and Coach. Both lines take two years. Your education is normally a total of four years with a possibility to prolonging. Click on “Details” in the menu to read the full four-year teaching program or Download the Training Description of the Training Program. If you choose to finish after the first two years, you qualify as a Gestalt Practitioner.

An education you can use
You will get lots of practical and challenging training during the program, because you as a student will work in real therapeutic processes and settings. And of course, with a senior teacher as a supervisor! Therefore, you build your program up with the aim of working as a Psychotherapist. And you can do this in a way where you are at ease with yourself and in close contact with your clients without your boundaries being infringed upon.

  • 4 year program – Certified Gestalt education.
  • Certified Clinical Psychotherapy – 3rd and 4th year.
  • Organizational Consultant and coach – 3rd and 4th year.
  • Clinical work with – individual clients and with groups.
  • Gestalt theories – and the theoretic Roots of Gestalt: Bioenergetics, Psychodrama, Existentialism, Psychoanalysis, Zen and other theories and therapeutic and organizational approaches.

Psychotherapist and Organizational Consultant – Detail

The Overall Purpose, Goals and Objectives for GIS:

  • To develop and maintain training programs of high international standard and professionalism
  • To encourage the students to achieve personal development as individuals, therapists and leaders
  • To train highly skilled and professionally competent Clinical Gestalt Psychotherapists and/or Organizational Consultants and Coaches who are compatible with the highest International standards
  • To ensure deep personal integration of theory, practice and ethics

1 Content in Short

The training programs are experiential, theoretical, and practical. The study program is divided into 2 parts. 1st part of 2 years and a 2nd part of 2 years with duration of 4 ½ years altogether including a ½ year of pre-training. Each year the student concludes by an evaluation, an oral examination and a written work. The total minimum of the Training Program is 1639 hours of 60 minutes or 2185 study hours of 45 minutes. Individual study, self-reflection and written tasks are estimated extra 900 hrs./1200 st.hrs.

1.1 The Program Includes:

  • Intensive personal development work in theory and in practice, integrating Gestalt Theory, principles and methodology
  • Experience and training in working with the client´s change process in the mental health area
  • Personal and professional leadership training
  • Specialization within Clinical Psychotherapy 3rd and 4th year
  • Specialization within Organizational Consulting and Counselling, 3rd and 4th year
  • Direct and indirect supervision
  • Theoretical and practical experience with most significant other psychotherapeutic theories and methodologies
  • Clinical work with individual clients and with groups under intensive direct and indirect supervision (min. 450 hours)

1.2 – 1st part

In the 1st part of the training program the emphasis is on personal development work, relational work, leadership, and Gestalt theory and methodology. The members within a training group do not develop at the same speed. Nevertheless, the standard process is described as the structural overview of the training program. At the end of 2nd year the student takes part in an evaluation process before applying and entering the 2nd part of the Training Program.

The specific criterias for entering the second part of the program and specialization are dealt with and agreed upon (Professional background, clinical experience, sufficient knowledge of psychopathology and developmental and clinical psychology).

1.3 – 2nd part

In the 2nd part of the training program the focus is on leadership, on group and individual supervision, and on theory both in group work and in individual work. Each student learns from integrating theory, practice, and individual direct and indirect supervision. The purpose is that the student maximizes his/her personal leadership skills: integration of personality, therapeutic practice, theory, and ethics. During 3rd and 4th year the student specializes in one of the following lines:

  • Clinical Psychotherapist
  • Organizational Consultant, Coach and Counsellor

The specialization within Clinical Psychotherapy is primarily for people in the treatment area, see below (Terms of admission). The specialization within the Gestalt Practitioner, Organizational Consulting and Counselling is open for persons working with the development of other people and organizations. See Terms of admission. Dispensation: For students wanting to specialize in both areas further and specific studies and experience is required. A specific contract is made with the individual student.

2 The Training Program in Detail

2.1 Pre-training

Purpose and goal: To provide the students with the first basic knowledge about Gestalt. To give the client/potential student awareness and personal insight of how Gestalt Methodology works. Total of 120 hours of 60 minutes/160 study hours of 45 minutes. To assess and evaluate the student´s background: Education, experience, other training, own therapy, existential readiness to start/continue the demanding and challenging GIS- International Training Programs.

2.2 First Year. Seminar 1-5

Purpose and goal: To provide the students with basic knowledge about Gestalt principles, – methodology and therapeutic practice – and about the philosophical, theoretical and therapeutic directions, that has influenced Gestalt. To put emphasis on the student’s personal development and emerging integration.

  • Intensive personal development
  • Basic notions and theory of Gestalt
  • Gestalt therapy’s history, development and place in society
  • Developmental psychology and personality formation
  • Individual therapy and self-reflection
  • Oral examination in Gestalt principles and methodology
  • Written work: Auto biography describing own personal development in connection to Gestalt Terminology and Methodology
  • Evaluation process where the evaluation tools are introduced and used for integration

2.3 Second Year. Seminar 6-10 + Supervision option 1 – 2.

Purpose and goal: To continue personal development with increasing integration. To deepen knowledge about the fundamental psychological and therapeutic theories and methods of Gestalt and to provide knowledge about the roots of Gestalt (Existentialism (Kirkegaard, Yalom, Spinelli), Gestalt Psychology, Psychodrama (Moreno), Psychoanalysis (Freud), Body oriented therapy (Reich and Lowen). To integrate ethics in the work with Gestalt methods, principles and techniques. To understand and integrate how the emotional Gestalt approach connects to the existential Doing and Being.

  • Continued personal development with emphasis on relational work starting with the group process and group dynamics
  • Deepened work with communication skills and conflict resolution (encounter)
  • Training in basic skills (Person-Therapist-Observer work)
  • Integrate understanding of and skills in working with the basic theories, concepts and methods in Bioenergetics, Psychodrama, Existentialism, Psychoanalysis, Zen etc.
  • Oral examination in the fundamental psychotherapeutic theories and how they connect to Gestalt theory, approach and practice
  • Basic knowledge about other psychotherapeutic methods and their connection to Gestalt therapy
  • Written work about how one of the fundamental psychotherapeutic theories and how it has influenced Gestalt theory, approach and practice
  • Evaluation process where the student´s readiness personally, relationally and professionally is assessed. The process determines whether the student is accepted to the third year of training or is recommended another second year.

2.4 Third Year. Seminar 11 – 14 + Supervision Option 3 – 4.

Purpose and goal: To get maximum focus on the role as a therapist and emphasis on the relational area. Training of personal leadership. Training of own therapist role in clinical individual therapy under direct and indirect supervision. Starting training of own therapist role in group therapy. Acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge about Mental illness and Diagnostic systems, and personal integration. Deep understanding and integration of own parallel process, transference, counter transference, ethics and boundaries. Understanding and integration of Field theory and Phenomenology in theory and in practice.

  • Focus on individual therapy and relational processes
  • Direct and indirect supervision techniques
  • Methods and techniques of Gestalt – their strengths and weaknesses
  • Understanding the international and the national diagnostic terminologies in the Mental Health area and how they relate to Gestalt practice in theory and practice
  • Improve the ability in assessing the therapeutic process between client and therapist
  • How to interact and cooperate with other professionals in the mental health area
  • Ethics, boundaries and norms of the therapist
  • How to integrate research into practice and final work in training
  • Training of skills in clinical therapy under supervision, individually and in groups. Assistantship/supervised leadership in the other students’ P-T-O groups
  • Oral examination in Gestalt theory and clinical methodology
  • Written work describing an area of Gestalt theory and applied clinical methodology
  • Evaluation introducing the end-evaluation process in connection to the student´s professional capabilities in the clinical and mental health field

2.5 Fourth Year. Seminar 15 – 18 + Supervision Option 5 – 6.

Purpose and goal: That the student gets psychotherapeutic skills through personal, professional supervision and integration of theory, practice and psychotherapeutic ethics. Specialization and preparation of thesis that is presented and published at the end of the training. Final examination. Finishing-up evaluation where strengths, weaknesses, continued personal and professional areas of development and boundaries are defined and integrated. Continued focus on deep understanding and integration of own parallel process, transference, counter transference, ethics and boundaries.

  • Strong emphasis on group therapy and group processes in systems (couples/families)
  • Understanding the cultural and social conditions for clients, families and other systems
  • Direct and indirect supervision techniques
  • The strengths and weaknesses of Gestalt therapy
  • The strengths and weaknesses of the therapist
  • Ethics, boundaries and norms
  • Training of skills in clinical therapy under supervision, individually and in groups
  • Assistantship with – and supervision from – senior leaders
  • How to interact and cooperate with other professionals in the mental health area
  • Supervision in how to build own practice: Legal, professional, supervision, journaling and ethics
  • Presentation of a written research study and thesis work as a lecture, integrated in supervised practice and in the final oral examination and evaluation
  • Oral examination where the student demonstrates clinical psychotherapeutic skills in theory and in practice
  • The research written work – thesis – is anchored in the student´s supervised practice with outside clients, describing, discussing, and concluding the chosen subject
  • The student presents the thesis in a lecture given to all students, leaders and invited guests
  • Professional end-evaluation process in connection to the student´s professional and personal capabilities in the clinical and mental health field. In the evaluation process the student gets clarity on the further personal and professional development and ongoing supervision after training

3 GIS Training Program

An hourly overview of GIS training program. Hours = 60 min. Lessons = 45 min.

3.1 Hours first year

1st year hours lessons
Interview and test feedback Intake 1st year 3 hours Intake conditions 3 4
Training seminars 1 x 7 days 51 hours Including 2 days in weekends 51 68
Training seminars 4 x 6 days 168 hours Including 8 days in weekends 156 208
Study group (P-T-O) 10 x 1 day 75 In weekends 75 100
Ind. therapy/study counseling Min. 20 +2 hour 22 Individually appointed 22 29
Personal preference (relevant training) 27 hours Individually arranged 27 36
Additional training 1 x 7 days 51 hours Optional (68 lessons) (51) (68)
Written essay; Autobiography During 1st year
Examination in group End of year 1 hour Gestalt Methodology
Evaluation in group End of year 2 days Included in the study
Time of study – 1st year 334 445
Optional Training (51) (68)

3.2 Hours second year

2st year hours lessons
Training seminars 1 x 7 days 51 hours Including 2 days in weekends 51 68
Training seminars 4 x 6 days 156 hours Including 6 days in weekends 156 208 156 208
Study group (P-T-O) 10 x 1 day 75 hours In weekends 75 100 75 100
Ind. therapy/study counseling Min. 20 +2 22 hours Individually appointed 22 29 22 29
Personal preference and choice 27 hours Individually arranged 27 36 27 36
Additional training, Practicum 1 x 7 days 51 hours Optional (68 lessons) (51) (68) (51) (68)
Voluntary work under supervision External 60 hours Clinical Supervised Experience (60) (80) (60) (80)
Written task: Roots of Gestalt During 2nd year
Examination End of year 1,5 1,5 hour in pairs Roots of Gestalt (2 St.hrs.)            1,5 h -> 2 2
Evaluation for entering 3rd year End of year 2 days Included in the study
Time of study – 2nd Year  333  443
Optional Training and Supervision (111) (148)

3.3 Hours third year

3st year
Supervision & training seminars 1 x 7 days 51 hours Including 2 days in weekends 51 68
Supervision & training seminars 4 x 6 days 117 hours Including 6 days in weekends 156 208
Study group (P-T-O) 10 x 1 day 75 hours In weekends 75 100
Individual supervision with clients 30 hours 30 hours Individually arranged 30 40
Given individual psychotherapy 50 hours 50 hours Individually arranged 50 67
Group supervision with clients 60+20 hours 80 hours Individually arranged 80 107
Ind. therapy/study counseling Min. 10 +2 hour 12 hours Individually arranged 12 16
Additional training, Practicum 1 x 7 days 51 hours Optional (68 lessons) (51) (68)
Voluntary work under supervision External 60 hours Clinical Supervised Experience (60) (80)
Written task: Gestalt theory During 3rd year
Examination End of year 1,5 hour in pairs Gestalt theory (2 lessons) 2 2
Evaluation End of year 2 days in group Included in the study
Time of study – 3rd Year  456  608
Optional Training and Supervision (111) (148)

3.4 Hours fourth year

4th year
Supervision & training seminars 1 x 7 days 51 hours Including 4 days in weekends 51 68
Supervision & training seminars 3 x 6 days 117 hours Including 4 days in weekends 117 156
Study group (P-T-O) 10 x 1 day 75 hours In weekends 75 100
Individual supervision with clients 30 hours 30 hours Individually arranged 30 40
Given individual psychotherapy 50 hours 50 hours Individually arranged 50 67
Group supervision with clients 60+20 hours 80 hours Individually arranged 80 107
Ind. therapy/study counseling Min. 10 +2 hour 12 hours Individually arranged 12 16
Supervised assistantship in training groups 1 x 7 days 51 hours Optional (68 lessons) (51) (68)
Ind. therapy/study counseling Min. 10 +2 hour 12 hours Individually arranged 12 16
Voluntary work under supervision External 60 hours Clinical Supervised Experience (60) (80)
Written thesis, supervised and presented End of year 6 hours Thesis published – presentation and 6 8
Final examination End of study hour Oral exam., integration of therapeutic
theory & practice (2 lessons)
2 2
Final evaluation in the group End of study 2 days Included in the study
Time of study – 4th Year  435  580
Optional Training and Supervision (111) (148)

3.5 The total number of hours

Description hours lessons
Total of the 4-year training program 1.678 2.237
Individual study hours, written work, research and thesis (not PTO/Study groups) 690 920
Total of the 4-year training program including the individual study 2.368 3.157
Optional training Seminars (204) (272)
Voluntary Work / Clinical Practice under Supervision (180) (240)

Psychotherapist and Organizational Consultant – Structure

The Gestalt Training Program is experimental, therapeutic and theoretical. To ensure fulfilling the overall goal the following educational structures and forms are used.

1 Educational Structure and Form

  • Lectures where theory and themes are introduced deepened and discussed.
  • Experimental exercises where personal awareness and experience grows.
  • Personal therapeutic work where personal integration takes place in the Here and Now.
  • Group work where group dynamics are addressed, made aware, understood and integrated.
  • Feedback processes to learn to give and receive valuable information in a dialogue.
  • Individual study guidance of the student for inspiration and keeping the student on track.
  • Supervision, direct and indirect.

1.1 Structure of the Training Program

1.1.1 Pre-training Courses

Before entering the training program, students must have undergone Gestalt therapy in groups or individually corresponding to a minimum of 120 hours (60 minutes). One possibility is the one year basic training consisting of 160 lessons (45 minutes).

1.1.3 Training Courses/Intensive Residential Seminars

The first 2 years of the training program consist of 10 full-day seminars of 6-7 days. The students work with their personal and professional development under therapeutic, psychological and pedagogical guidance. Seminars 1-3 mainly have a personal development focus. Seminars 4-6 mainly have a relational focus. Seminars 7-10 mainly have a focus on group therapy and leadership issues. During the last 2 years the focus is on direct and indirect supervision and on individual specialization either in the therapeutic or the organizational area. The student connects to the same international group all through the training

1.1.4 International Training Settings

Twice a year all students from all countries meet in intensive seminars for international and inter cultural exchange and experience. This takes place in April Estonia and in June in Denmark.

1.1.5 Assisting in Therapy Groups (Practical Training and Direct Supervision)

The student gets the opportunity to train his/her leadership role with instruction and under direct supervision. The student participates with increasing responsibility throughout 1st year, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year – individually considering the student’s need and actual capability. The student takes part in GIS International’s other training activities in Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland and Sweden.

1.1.6 Supervision and Training Seminars

These seminars are held with parallel client groups. The students work under direct supervision with outside clients in an intensive development process and -setting. The aim of the work and structure is “stretching” the student’s personal and professional capability and self-understanding. Important issues are therapist boundaries, strengths and weaknesses, “how to treat”, “how to teach”, working with transference and counter transference (projections), and therapeutic ethics.

1.1.7 Clinical work under supervision

The student is having clients and groups under supervision outside the training seminars (3rd and 4th year).

1.1.8 Group Supervision

In the group supervision program, the students work with outside client groups learning the dynamics, strengths, weaknesses, possibilities, and limitations of the leadership, experiencing own leadership in small and large groups, in co-operation, etc.

1.1.9 Individual Supervision (National)

In the individual supervision program, the student is instructed, taught and supervised in one to one therapy with clients. The program is organized in groups of 3-4 students under direct and indirect supervision. The focus is on integration of theory and practice, and development of the student’s style of leadership and role as a therapist. The student gives 100 individual hours to outside clients and receives 60 hours of supervision. (3rd and 4th year).

1.1.10 Supervision on Voluntary and Professional Work with Clients

Voluntary work with clients in cooperation with an outside social and/or treatment oriented organization. 120 – 180 hours during the last part of 2nd year to the first part of 4th year. Contract that includes supervision is made prior to start between the student, the outside organization and GIS-International. For students already working clinically in the Mental Health Field see to getting relevant professional supervision on their clinical work.

1.1.11 Individual Therapy

The one-to-one work (therapist and student). The student works through his/her personality and personal life issues using Gestalt principles and methodology. The goal is that the student gets a profound knowledge, understanding and acceptance of him/herself as a person and as a professional.

1.1.12 Development Dialogue, Study Guidance, and Need for Dispensation

Twice a year of training (minimum) the student meets the national member/counsellor of the Training Board for a development dialogue. The issues are: Personal development, professional development, supervision and practicum, plans for the future, special personal or professional wishes or needs that need dispensation, etc. The student writes the agreed resume that is signed by the counsellor from the training board.

1.1.13 Theory Seminars

Theory seminars are either recommended (outside the institute) or arranged (by GIS) in various subjects within Gestalt therapy in theory and practice, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, psychopathology, psychiatry, psychoanalytic theory and practice, existentialism, psychodrama, body therapy, and system and leadership development.

1.1.14 Theory, Study and Personal Reflection

During the training program, a catalogue of examination requirement books and articles is recommended or handed out to the participants. Through the Training Program approximately 6000 pages are read and discussed. A library is established and situated at the GIS-International Training Centre at Orø in Denmark.

1.1.15 Special Theory Studies

GIS has in cooperation with Tartu University in Estonia initiated a Bachelor program in Development Psychology. The program of 104 study hours takes place partly in connection to some of the training weeks and is partly Web based. The intention is to start similar programs in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology.

1.1.16 National Study Groups, P-T-O

Throughout the time of study, the students work in organised study-, development-, and training subgroups, where P-T-O work practice take place: Person (client), Therapist, and Observer. In the study groups the curriculum of approximately 6000 pages are discussed. (300 hours/400 study hours).

1.1.17 Dispensation

It is possible to prolong the study with 2 years in general. The dispensation is discussed with the national study counsellor and confirmed in the international Educational and Ethical Board (EEB). Dispensation for more than 2 years (1 to 2 years extra) is given in rare cases: Giving birth, job abroad, serious illness, etc.

1.1.18 Examination

During the last part of the 1st year the student writes an autobiography integrating Gestalt terminology and awareness. At the end of 1st year there is an oral examination in Gestalt methodology and principles related to own development and personal behavioural patterns.

During the last part of the 2nd year the student writes an essay describing one of “the Roots of Gestalt” and how the root has influenced Gestalt therapy and terminology. At the end of 2nd year there is an oral examination in the roots of Gestalt, which means to say the basic theories for Gestalt: Existentialism, Developmental Psychology, Psychodrama, Gestalt Psychology,  Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic Theory, Reich and Lowen: Body Therapy, Analytic Psychology, Buddhism, Zen, and Taoism.

During the last part of the 3rd year the student writes about and discusses a chosen theoretical aspect in Gestalt theory and methodology. At the end of 3rd year the oral exam is on Gestalt Theory and Methodology.

The student ends his/her 4-year study by writing a thesis, in which the coming Gestalt therapist proves personal and professional integration of theory and practice. A therapeutic research is described deeply analysing, planning, executing, evaluating, and discussing a therapeutic project with guidance and supervision by the senior faculty of GIS-International. At the end of 4th year there is an oral examination in theory and practice, in which the student accounts for and demonstrates and practices Gestalt methodology and principles. The student does the final examination under the guidance of one internal senior leader and one external censor.

Individual Study inclusive written work from 1st to 3rd year (360/480), PTO study groups (300/400), written work, Research and Thesis (330/440). Total of 990 hours/1320 st.hrs.

1.1.19 External Examiners

Olle Eldhammar, MD, Psychiatrist, Gestalt Psychotherapist (SE) and Karmel Tall, Gestalt Psychotherapist and lecturer in Social Science and Psychology at Tartu University (EST).

1.1.20 Evaluation

Evaluations take place after 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year. The evaluation process consists of a self-evaluation, an evaluation made by the other students, and an evaluation made by the leaders teaching in the program in connection with the training board.

  • 1st year evaluation is an introduction of the evaluation tool, in which Gestalt methodology and principles are integrated
  • 2nd year evaluation is determining whether the student immediately can proceed on the second part of the training program – and on which terms (making personal contract)
  • 3rd year evaluation leads to specification of the personal contract
  • 4th year evaluation is the final evaluation

In connection to the evaluation processes at the end of 2nd year, 3rd year and 4th year GIS has developed specific systems to ensure each student and becoming therapist the ethical awareness of therapeutic and personal strengths and weaknesses (areas of further development and growth).

2 Ethics

GIS-International follows the ethical and professional guidelines of EAGT and EAP and of the national Danish therapeutic association PF. In practice the national and international guidelines are discussed and implemented all through the training program. In connection to the individual and the group supervision programs and in the evaluation processes and oral exams transference and counter transference is an important issue where boundary issues are discussed, found and implemented in the coming therapist´s personal style and professionalism.

The GIS-International students mainly come from Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, and Sweden. Fewer students come from Argentina, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, and Russia.

The overall teaching language is English. The students are also connected in national study groups, where national perspective and issues, national study literature, personal and professional development can be addressed, supervised, and integrated.

Psychotherapist and Organizational Consultant – Requirements

We have gathered all admission requirements for Clinical Gestalt Psychotherapist and Organizational Consultant and Coach on one page from which you can also apply online for admission. Go to Terms of Admission

Psychotherapist and Organizational Consultant – Dates and Price

Applications for the Training Programs are being accepted now.

Next study start is in September 2025 – Application deadline is August 18th 2025.

See prices for training and accommodation here.

1. year

Description Date
Seminar 1: Establishing the group. September
Seminar 2: Body work in Gestalt. November
Seminar 3: The roots of Gestalt. February
Seminar 4: Confluence and dependency. April
Seminar 5: Examination and evaluation. June

2. year

Description Date
Seminar 6: Psychodrama and creativity in Gestalt, continued. September
Seminar 7: Bodywork in Gestalt. Gestalt and Bioenergetics. Awareness as a key issue. November
Seminar 8: Gestalt methods and techniques. February
Seminar 9: Gender issues: Sexuality and sensuality related to own personality April
Seminar 10: Examination, evaluation and Gestalt work with the roots. Transition to the 3rd and 4th year. June

3. year

Description Date
Seminar 11: Psychopathology in theory and practice. September
Seminar 12: Field Theory in Practice. November
Seminar 13: Role as a Therapist. Supervision on client work. February
Seminar 14: Gestalt methodology and techniques in clinical work. April
Seminar 15: Examination and evaluation. June

4. year

Description Date
Seminar 16: Dialogical work – I and Thou. How the leader and therapist use herself. September
Seminar 17: The therapist as a leader and a role model. Deepening Field Theory in Practice. November
Seminar 18: Teaching, leading groups, co-work with seniors. April
Seminar 19: Presentation and discussion of thesis. June

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