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Do you want more in your life?

This course will give you an intensive week of learning and growing. You will get a new insight working with Gestalt methodology, which is existential, relational and emotional.

During this seminar, we use Gestalt Methodology, which supports you in realizing new sides of your personality. You will discover how you and other people experience Contact, and how your growing Awareness will influence you in choosing ways to be more Present in your life. You will get inspired in feeling wellbeing and in allowing yourself to be more in the Here and Now. You will discover the filters preventing you from your real wants and how you allow yourself to live more authentic. And you will get aware of your inner patterns and find ways to challenge them.

You will discover existential keys to change and will realize, how you yourself can create change and development. The course is an eyeopener both emotionally, intellectually, and relationally.

We see development as a process of awareness that makes you conscious of your self-worth, your personal platform, and your spontaneous life passion – and at the same time this process gives you a frame of understanding life and relationships.

Both theory and praxis

Gestalt Methodology has its roots in solid theory and praxis. Praxis is a way to understand and integrate theory. First you experience and feel, then put words to your awareness. You will experience and learn to stay in the Now together with other people.
During the seminar, you will join group-work in larger and smaller groups.

Individual work, where you and the therapist work together also take place. You will get deep integration of what you have experienced and felt.

The Certified Training programs

The course includes both practical therapeutic work, reflection, and learning. It counts as qualification to the European Certified GIS-International Training program to becoming a Gestalt Psychotherapist.

Seminar Dates

Tuesday, April 11th, 18:00 to Sunday, April 16th, 14:00, 2023 at Vihula, Estonia.

Seminar Fee for the Training Seminar

Company: 10.450 DKK (1.400 EUR)
Nordic private GIS-sponsored fee (-40%): 6.260 DKK/840 Euro
Baltic private GIS-sponsored fee (-50%): 5.220 DKK/700 Euro

Airport Transfer

Cost for transfer bus to and from Vihula is Nordic 300 DKK, 40 EUR Estonian 225 DKK, 30 EUR.

Double room: DKK Euro
Nordic: 6.700 900
Baltic: 5.950 800
Single room: 8.250 1110

Deadline for signing up is March 27th 2023.


Kia Karrebæk & Jette Maja Porting.


Please visit our webpage for more information about our institute. You can also call us on +45 59 47 00 17 or mail us on gis@gis-international.com.