GIS Training Week (3-4-5 year)
April 8 - 6:00 pm # April 13 - 2:00 pm
All the seminars at our education usually starts Tuesday evening and last to Sunday after lunch. Location is mostly at Hegnegaarden, a farm at Orø in Denmark. The farm is beautifully surrounded by fields, close to the water and has its own very special atmosphere.
Lunch break
In the middle of the day you have a long lunch break (3 hours) where you will have the possibility of
enjoying the nature. There is a small beach approximately 2 km from the farm so in summertime it is
possible to go swimming and at all times of year you can go for beautiful walks.
It is a very good idea to pack your bags according to time of year and the weather forecast since we do
morning awareness every morning outside. Also, the last evening at the seminar we usually have a party.
Accommodation will be in double rooms. Showers/toilets are in the hallway. During the seminar there will be some small practical assignments like preparing and cleaning after lunch and dinner and emptying the dishwasher.
The students’ stay at the farm is informal and relaxed – good surroundings for development, presence and being together.