Personal Development – a weekend at Orø
May 16 - 5:00 pm # May 18 - 2:00 pm
Are you curious about your personal development? Curious about your own patterns and how you interact with other people? Might there be opportunities in your life that you passed by because of holding back?
We can offer a peek in what life can bring! GIS-international invites you to an introduction weekend in Gestalt Therapy, where you can get an insight in:
- Your personal patterns and unused potential
- How you create and avoid real presence
- How you influence others and how you are influenced by others
- Possible new ways in your life
- Interested in the GIS- 4-year training
In other words, you can get a taste of what Gestalt Therapy is and whether it works for you.
Price: DKK 2.800 (380 EUR) incl. accommodation
Time and Place
Start: Friday May 24th 2024 at 5 pm
End: Sunday May 26th 2024 at 2 pm
Place: Hegnegården Udviklingscenter
Næsbyvej 28, 4305 Orø.
Registration by e-mail to gis@gis-international.com
If questions, please call Jette maja Porting +45 40703013
A senior leader from GIS and students from the last part of the education from GIS-International.
GIS-International is an international accredited institute. We educate Gestalt Psychotherapists and Organizational consultants. In addition, we offer courses in personal development and leadership.