Personal Development – a weekend at Orø

March 28 - 5:00 pm # March 30 - 2:00 pm

Are you curious about your personal development? Curious about your own patterns and how you interact with other people? Might there be opportunities in your life that you passed by because of holding back?

GIS Training Week (3-4-5 year)

April 8 - 6:00 pm # April 13 - 2:00 pm

GIS training week for 3-4-5 year.

GIS Training Week (1-2 year)

April 8 - 6:00 pm # April 13 - 2:00 pm

GIS training week 1-2 year.

Personal Development – a weekend at Orø

May 16 - 5:00 pm # May 18 - 2:00 pm

Are you curious about your personal development? Curious about your own patterns and how you interact with other people? Might there be opportunities in your life that you passed by because of holding back?

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